SmarterWX Locate

Simplifying BYDA enquiry response management

A simpler way for project teams and excavators to manage BYDA activity.

SmarterWX Locate is designed to help project teams, contractors and other organisations streamline their Before You Dig (BYDA) workflows, increase in-field and in-office productivity, and most importantly – reduce risk onsite. 

If you manage major construction or engineering projects or have staff that are logging multiple BYDA enquiries, then managing the raft of information generated by each query is likely to be a challenge. 

SmarterWX Locate is a multi-user, team environment that sorts everything for you – providing one smart location for you to store, manage and access your project team or company’s current and past BYDA enquiries. 

The go-to solution for keeping BYDA activity under control

  • Enhanced BYDA experience

    Optimise your BYDA workflow with advanced enquiry creation tools, including rapid sketching of BYDA enquiries, GIS import and bulk lodgement.

  • Designed for teams

    Organise your BYDA activities related to a specific project team, department, or works type and provide individual users with team access.

  • Share access

    Shift BYDA responses out of email inboxes and into an enterprise environment.

  • Track progress

    Collate and manage email responses generated from a BYDA enquiry.

  • Collaborate with others

    Empower your colleagues to login, collaborate, and share a common view of the location of critical underground infrastructure.

  • Visualise enquiries

    View your dig sites on a map and simply click on each point to view the related BYDA response documents.

  • Monitor response

    Receive notifications when responses are completed, collated and ready to review and reconcile.

  • Access an audit trail

    View BYDA records for the duration of the project and beyond, archived and stored securely in the SmarterWX cloud.

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SmarterWX Locate FAQs

You can avoid the flood of emails you usually get in response to a BYDA enquiry.

SmarterWX Locate replaces your inbox for receiving and collating responses — essentially acting as a single point of truth for you to store, manage and access your current and past BYDA enquiries.

This ensures you can quickly and easily locate the exact report you are looking for without needing to sift through hundreds of emails.

When you’re sorting through hundreds of BYDA enquiry response emails from multiple asset owners — each in their own format —it’s possible to miss one.

SmarterWX Locate receives and compiles these responses on your behalf, notifying you when they’ve all been received and are ready to be viewed.

When you’re equipped with all the necessary information, you can confidently give the go ahead to safely commence excavation, knowing you won’t damage underground assets, nor will you endanger your team.

When you’re undertaking construction projects, knowing what lies beneath the surface is key to preventing damage to underground assets and keeping your team safe.

SmarterWX Locate provides you with a single, map-based view of all your BYDA enquiry responses.

With all the information visualised on a single map, you can easily understand what to watch out for and quickly — and confidently— determine if it is safe to proceed.

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