SmarterWX News

SmarterWX Product Update Webinar

In this product update webinar, we explore the new capabilities, enhancements, and features of SmarterWX Automate, enabling you to:

  • Structure responses for optimal presentation in the BYDA collated response viewer.
  • Notify users of excavation activity in their project areas.
  • Set up live data connections from SmarterWX Automate to ArcGIS Dashboards.
  • Centrally manage access to SmarterWX Automate for users across your organisation.
  • Connect to Microsoft Power Automate.

Watch the recording:

Embracing Digital Transformation to Safeguard Australia’s Assets

Before You Dig Australia (BYDA), a global frontrunner in the damage prevention industry, is revolutionising the protection of underground infrastructure through its innovative and automated solutions. The latest offering from BYDA introduces new features aimed at significantly mitigating risks associated with underground work by streamlining response collation.

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Before You Dig update unlocks enhanced user experience

Before You Dig Australia (BYDA) recently introduced a new service for members and users, speeding up enquiry lodgement through the BYDA API. Using the BYDA API, you can automate the process of submitting jobs to the referral service, improving productivity and accuracy.

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No-Dig Down Under 2022

No Dig Down Under

No-Dig Down Under is the southern hemisphere’s only large scale conference and exhibition dedicated to trenchless technology. Organised in partnership with the Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology (ASTT), No-Dig Down Under has grown over the years to become the second largest no-dig technology event in the world.

Before You Dig Australia’s CEO, Mell Greenall and Esri Australia’s Chief Innovation Officer, Gary Johnson will be sharing a behind-the-scenes look at the damage prevention and asset protection ecosystem powering the NextGen referral service and Before You Dig’s vision for the future.

Supporting trenchless methods with emerging technologies
Thursday 15 June, 2:15pm
Condition Assessment and Utility Location

Learn more about the technology behind the BYDA NextGen referral service here.

Rising from the ashes

With COVID-19 and the Australian bushfires putting unprecedented pressure on the economy, leaders have been forced to rethink how they share data and streamline workflows – leading to an inspiring new approach to collaboration.

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