SmarterWX makes complex processes simple

Streamline workflows, cut project costs and save time

See how

Discover a smarter way of working

Smarter dashboards

A single picture of all the moving parts combined to keep you on top and on track.

Faster information

Access essential information in mere minutes. Slash hours off your work programs.

Easier collaborations

Connect and share data with your organisation and industry colleagues, in just a few clicks.

Clearer view of dangers

See what’s below on an interactive map – that puts you in the picture.

Lower cost solutions

Work smarter and faster to save dollars. Integrate your organisation’s existing spatial data.

Heavy lifting automated

Shift your response times from hours to minutes by easily automating your workflows.

Explore SmarterWX

SmarterWX products deliver big benefits, regardless of the size of your organisation. See how you can save time and money – and make life easier – with four simple apps.

SmarterWX Automate

Turbocharge your Before You Dig enquiry responses

  • Improve information exchange between asset owners and enquirers
  • Keep your team and stakeholders informed with accurate updates
  • Protect your assets from poor planning, impatience and ‘dig & hope’ cowboys
  • Free up your internal resources to focus on other projects by automating enquiry responses

Learn more about SmarterWX Automate »

SmarterWX Locate

One solution for all your Before You Dig enquiries

  • Track progress of all BYD enquiries and responses
  • See the big picture, view all of your enquiries on a map
  • Access your responses anytime from the Cloud
  • Easily share your BYD data with your colleagues

Learn more about SmarterWX Locate »

SmarterWX Collaborate

See your schedule in the 'big picture'

  • Easily identify opportunities to collaborate on works projects
  • Connect and collaborate with other public works teams
  • Get alerts on activity in and around your project sites
  • Bring all of your spatial information together in one app

Learn more about SmarterWX Collaborate »

SmarterWX Sentinel

Reinventing referral services

  • Easily track the status of dig enquiries and responses
  • Visualise enquiry and asset information on an interactive map
  • Enable access to information anytime from anywhere
  • Get a complete picture through real-time dig and activity dashboards

Learn more about SmarterWX Sentinel »

Behind the scenes

Explore the project reshaping an icon of Australia's capital works industry.

Product spotlight

Automate your enquiry responses and save thousands in dollars and hours.

SmarterWX in action

Before You Dig Australia backs SmarterWX Sentinel for its referral service.

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